If you are looking for a Kansas City concrete cutting company, you probably want to find one whose staff has a lot of experience. Concrete cutting is one of those jobs that has to be done right the first time, and you don’t want to hire someone to do that work who looks as if he’s still wet behind the ears.
That’s why you should hire us -- Kansas City Coring and Cutting. We have over 40 years of experience in the industry. We’ve seen and done it all.
But experience isn’t everything. Even though Kansas City Coring and Cutting has enough experience to complete large and small-scale projects, before you hire us, you should check out our workplace safety record. After all, you want to make sure that all the other crews on the job site are safe when our teams arrive to cut, core, or remove concrete.
Since safety should be a concern at every worksite, you may want to learn some of the terminology used to describe it. Let’s learn about one of those terms -- experience modification rate. We’ll teach you what it is and why you should care about it.
Experience modification rate (EMR) is a term used in the insurance industry. Companies that sell workers’ compensation insurance use EMR to figure out how much to charge each company for insurance premiums.
A company’s EMR is based on the number and cost of past claims. An EMR rate of 1.0 is average, but if a company doesn’t have any accidents, that number will be less than 1.0.
Chances are, you don’t sell workers’ compensation insurance, and we know that you aren’t paying our worker’s compensation premiums. So why should you even care about experience modification rates?
• You should care about a company’s EMR because that number is an indicator of how safe the workers of a specific company are while on the job. After all, construction and demolition sites can be dangerous places.
• You should care about a company’s EMR because if a company’s workers’ compensation premiums are low, they can pass those savings on to you.
• You should care about a company’s EMR because this indicates a company that pays attention to details. A company with a low EMR makes sure their employees are following OSHA rules.
• Finally, you should care about a company’s EMR because this means that the company trains its workers on how to properly and safely run hazardous equipment.
Now that you know what EMR means and why you should care about it, let us reassure you that KC Coring and Cutting has a superior safety rating. We want our workers to remain safe and productive, and we also want other crews and homeowners to be injury-free as well. Here’s what KC Coring and Cutting does to make sure we have a low EMR.
• KC Coring and Cutting’s total recordable incident rate is below the industry average.
• KC Coring and Cutting has a full-time Safety Director, Director of Risk Control, and staff nurse.
• The staff of KC Coring and Cutting have OSHA, TWIC, and CPR certifications. They also have advanced operator training on all our equipment.
• KC Coring and Cutting is a Federal Drug-Free Workplace and A+ Insurance Carrier.
We know you care about experience and safety when hiring a concrete cutter in Kansas City. That’s why you should give KC Coring and Cutting a call today.